The Board of Chief Design Managers negotiated a well-rounded programme of Soyuz-2 Launch System experimental development

17 april 2015

On April 16, 2015 the meeting of Chief Design Managers Board was held on the premises of JSC SRC Progress. The issues of Soyuz-2 Launch System building at Vostochny cosmodrome were under discussion.

The Head of ROSKOSMOS Administration - A. Mazurin, The General Director of SRC Progress – A. Kirilin, the representatives of FSUE TSNIIMASH, FSUE Keldysh Centre, FSUE TsENKI, FSUE NIISK (TsENKI subsidiary), JSC Russian Space Systems and other partners took part in the meeting of Chief Design Managers Board.

D. Baranov, the Deputy Chief Designer addressed the meeting with a review of important issues of the ground experimental development of Soyuz-2 System elements. He mentioned that SRC Progress had started the assembly of Souyz-2-1a for the first launch from Vostochny. The launch vehicle would be ready for delivery by the beginning of this June. There was no doubt that Volga injection module, spacecraft adapter and assembly protecting unit would be ready in time. ‘The time of integrated launch vehicle production is sufficient both for assembly testing and launching in 2015,’ he underlined.

The cooperative enterprises representatives reported on the readiness to integrated tests of the Launching and Processing Facilities as well as other launch system components to provide launch in December 2015. The major part of manufacturing machinery has been delivered to the cosmodrome; it’s mounted now; the other part of equipment is ready for autonomous tests and commissioning. Variants of equipment and workplaces accommodation to prepare launch vehicle and satellites in case of falling behind the construction schedule have been considered during the board meeting.

‘All technical decisions necessary to provide the first launch from Vostochny in 2015 will be made,’ concluded A. Mazurin.