S.V.Tyulevin, first deputy general director – general designer of TsSKB-Progress, V.A.Shishkin, representative of union-trade committee, V.A.Igumenov, deputy general director on personnel, veterans and workers of the enterprise presented at the opening ceremony of the hall of TsSKB-Progress labor glory. N.N.Mitryanin, deputy chairman of Samara Region Duma, representatives of Samara Gubernskaya Duma and Educational Department were among distinguished guests.
All the guests in the air speeches mentioned about friendlyrelationshipbetweenTsSKB-Prpgressandtheschoolinthedistrictwherethemajority of the workers live and most of them finished that school and today their children study at this school.
S.V.Tyulevin told students about the history of TsSKB-Progress, about its tradition and expressed his hope that the further profession of these children would be associated with space industry.
Amock-upofSoyuzlauncherandsomebooksonHistoryofspacetechnologydevelopmentatSamaraSpaceCentreweregiventoSchoolNo 86 as a present.